
Protest the NATO WAR Summit in Washington, D.C.
July 6-7
No to 75 years of imperialist NATO wars!
Free Palestine!

Resist NATO image

On July 6 - 7, meet the war criminals with protests and people's summits.

Join us in Washington, DC!

Saturday, July 6, 2024 - People's Summits

No to NATO - Alternative Summit, 9:30 am - 5:30 PM

@ St. Mark's Church, Capitol Hill 3rd St & A St, SE

Resist NATO - People's Summit, 5 PM - 9 PM

@ New York Ave Presbyterian Church, 13th St, H St., NY Ave. NW

Sunday, July 7, 2024 - March and Rallies

Resist NATO Coalition, 12 PM, McPherson Sq.

@ 15th St & K St. NW,

1:00 PM March to White House @ Lafayette Sq. with No to NATO

Read recent UNAC statement: NATO, Zionism and Imperialism

For more information: UNACpeace@gmail.com


If you want to attend the DC events, please click here to register  

Click on the links below to view these recent webinars on NATO that UNAC has supported

Understanding the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination in Africa & the Americas

Webinar image



webinar image


Join the Cancel RIMPAC Campaign

The Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises are the largest joint war exercises in the world, conducted biannually in Hawai’i.  These exercises are launched out of San Diego, with nearly 1/3 of the Pacific Navy fleet.

There will be Cancel RIMPAC Actions in San Diego on June 29 - 30.  Join us!

For more information, click here

Protest at the national conventions of the Republican and Democratic Parties this summer

RNC protest image
DNC protest image

At our national convention in April, UNAC voted to support protests at the conventions of the two war parties.

Coalitions have been formed to organize these protests.  Please click the links below to get information on these organizing efforts and save the dates.

March on the RNC in Milwaukee July 15th



Some recent blog posts

·        U.S. – NATO Threats Ignore ‘Red Lines’ in Ukraine
    Sara Flounders, Workers World

Please make a contribution to UNAC: http://UNACpeace.org/donate.html

If your organization would like to join the UNAC coalition, please click here: http://UNACpeace.org/join.html

Subscribe to the UNAC YouTube channel: here

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Read the UNAC Blog for articles by UNAC members and friends

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