
Protest the G7 meeting in Hiroshima!

May 18 - 20

US Out of the Asia Pacific!

Solidarity Actions have been called,

G7 protest image

The G7 countries (The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, with the EU in observer status), which represent the biggest Western economies will be meeting this month in, of all places, Hiroshima, Japan.  We can be sure that high on their agenda will be financing more killing and war in Ukraine.  Ironically, they chose to meet in Hiroshima where the US dropped the first nuclear bomb on people.  Today, the war in Ukraine brings us ever closer to a nuclear war that could destroy the planet and everyone on it. 

Additionally, sanctions, many tied to the Ukraine war, have brought countries together to resist this attack on their economies and people.  Alternative banking, trade and economic institutions are coming together and are challenging US and Western hegemony.

The G7 meeting in Japan comes at a time that the US is threatening China and moving more forces and bases to Asia.  At the last NATO summit in Madrid, they decided that NATO should become a world-wide military alliance with Russia and China as its main targets.

Progressive forces will be coming together in Japan to protest at the G7 meeting and calling for an end to their wars and economic bullying.  There will be protest marches and an alternative summit meeting.  UNAC administrative committee member and president of the Filipino alliance, BAYAN. USA, Rhonda Rimero will be present along with other people from the US and from many other countries.

If you plan to hold an action in solidarity please let us know by sending an email to UNACpeace@gmail.com and please send us pictures of your actions.

Save the date: on May 19, UNAC will hold a webinar with people at the G7 protests.  More information will follow soon.

U.S. Hands off Korea

Wednesday, May 17 at 7 PM EST

Join the Webinar

Click here to register

Korea webinar image

The United States has conducted another round of “War Games” with the South Korean military.  This is clearly a threat to the North Korean government.  Additionally, the South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol, has recently visited the U.S. where Biden told him that the U.S. will keep a nuclear submarine in Korea and Yoon Suk Yeol made threats of acquiring nuclear weapons that could be aimed at North Korea.  This escalation is part of the general aggression and militarization of Asia that is aimed at provoking a war with China.

Click here to register for the webinar


K. J. Noh: Author Archives, journalist, political analyst, writer, and teacher specializing in the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region.

Sara Flounder: Member of UNAC Administrative Committee, Coordinator of the International Actions Center who will be speaking from China

Riley Seungyoon Park: Nodutdol for Korean Community Development

Omali image

Omali Yeshitela, of the Uhuru movement speaking at the March 18 antiwar demonstration in DC

Defend Freedom of Speech

Leaders of the Uhuru movement have been indicted for their position in opposition to the Ukraine War.

They recently held a press conference to defend the right to freedom of speech.

Click here to view the press conference

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