join or leave the NEPAJAC listserv, click on this link and send the e-mail.
Yassin Aref and Mohammed Hossain Defense Committee
Link to area
political listservs (please click to join a local political listerv)
progressive events in the Hudson/Mohawk region click here

Northeast Peace and Justice
Action Coalition
For links to organizations that attended the
founding NEPAJAC conference, click here
Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
video Women Against War video
Blog Space
Click here for livestream of Wall Street
and other Occupations
Emergency Mobilization
Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry
We say NO to Racism and anti-Islamic Bigotry
Stand for Unity and Solidarity on Saturday, September 11
Sept. 11 march
against racism and anti-Muslim bigotry!
Saturday Sept. 11 in
1:00 p.m. Assemble and
rally at east side of City Hall, then March
Rally at Park Pl.
and Church St
. (Manhattan)
here for a video of the Muslim support march from the UNAC conference to
the Albany Mosque
rally was attended by over 3,000 people.
It was organized to counter the right-wing opposition to the Islamic
Community Center that was being proposed for down town Manhattan. The rally in support of the Islamic
center was larger than the one opposed and got nation press coverage.
National Antiwar Conference in Albany, NY,
July 23 – 25
The National Antiwar Conference was a big success
with around 750 people registering.
People came from 31 states and 22 people came from outside the
country. Much of the conference was
live-streamed onto the internet and recorded by the Sanctuary for
Independent Media. This can be seen
at here ( The conference adopted an action proposal
to guide our work for the next several months. The action proposal can be found here.
For a full report on the conference, go here.
For more information
call 518-227-6947 or
Rally on March 20, the 7th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq
Thousands marches and
rallied in Washington, DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities on
the 7th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq to protest the Iraq
and Afghanistan wars and occupations. Three
full buses came from our region to the Washington march. For
a full report see the blog by Jack Smith of New Paltz by clicking here

Protest the Drones at Hancock
Sunday, November 15, 1:30-2:15 PM
Hancock Field Main Entrance, 6001 E Molloy Rd
250 people attended the very successful protest
a video of the protest Here

Back to the Streets
people participated in the October 17th peace rally on the 8th
anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. The Albany
rally was one of 50 that took place across the county.
the rallies were called by the National
Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations and
supported by close to 200 other organizations.
Over 100 People took to the Streets in Albany to protest on
the 5th Anniversary of the Arrest of Yassim Aref and Mohammed
On Tuesday,
August 4, 2009 over 100 people marched through the streets of
Albany, NY to protest the FBI crime of
tricking Yassim Aref and Mohammed Hossain into doing something that could
look as if it was illegal and then putting them in jail for 15
years. The protesters marched from
downtown Albany
to a rally at the Masjid As-Salam Mosque, where both men worshiped. The
march and rally was sponsored by the Muslim Solidarity Committee and a
number of other local peace and justice groups. The Troy Record article on the march
and rally can be found on the link below. Click
here for the Troy Record Article on the March and Rally
For some thoughts on the 5th anniversary
of the Arrest by Joe Lombardo, please click here

Jeanne Finley

Jeanne Finley

Jeanne Finley
Health Care Now
Friday, June
12, 5:30 pm – 10 pm,
The Linda Norris Auditorium, 339
Central Ave., Albany, New York. Everybody In,
Nobody Out: Jammin’ for a Single-Payer National Health Plan. This event
features music and entertainment by the bands Broadcast Live and Mother
Mcrees, the disk jockey Jardread, and the humorist Gregor Wynnyczuk.
Come and listen and dance to the music, learn about single payer
health care and maybe learn a few chants. Light refreshment will be
provided with a cash bar for beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages.
Admission is based on ability to pay with a suggested contribution of
$10-25.The event is co-sponsored by Single Payer New York, Capital District
Alliance for Universal Healthcare, Hunger Action Network of New York State,
Troy Area Labor Council, and The Capital District Area Labor Federation.For
more information contact Connie LaPorta at
On January 28th, 2009, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace held a
recognition dinner to honor Scott Ritter for the relentless struggle he has
pursued in the name of truth and justice. BNP also celebrated its 6th birthday.
honoring Scott were read from Danial Ellsberg, US Army Colonel Ann Wright,
author Michael Parenti and other local and national figures.
BNP was formed
right before the invasion of Iraq
and has continued to resist our government’s war drive in Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of
the world for 6 years. Scott Ritter,
besides his work nationally has spoken at may BNP sponsored events
Report on meeting
with Iranian President Ahmadinajad
Anniversary Commemoration of the Arrests of YASSIN AREF & MOHAMMED
people marched from the Masjid As-Salam Mosque to down town Albany where a vigil
in support of Yassim Aref and Mohammed Hossain was held on Friday, August 22, 2008.
On Saturday, August 23, 2008,
55 people attended a conference on the case along with other similar
frame-up cases of Muslims. Out of
the Saturday conference, a new organization called the Muslim innocents
project was formed. A link to the
new web site will follow as soon as it is set up.
Below is
a picture of participants at the conference

Over 400 people attended the National Assembly
to End the War in Iraq and Afghanistan in Cleveland during the weekend of
June 28 – 29. The conference was a
great step forward towards bringing unity to the anti-war movement and
strengthening our movement on a national level. Click here to go to the National Assembly
Web site for a full report on the conference.
Craig Smiths letter on the situation on the Albany Docks
that the Times Union would not print
Peace and Sustainability Conference on April 11 and 12, 2008 was a big
success. The Friday evening rally
was attended by 275 people. The
Saturday conference was attended by 200.
Featured presenters included:
Sheehan: Peace activist, candidate for Congress, Gold Star Mom
for Peace
Sidel : Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility
Adams : National President of Veterans for Peace
Breyman: Project Coordinator for climate neutral government and
institutional operations for the NYS Climate Change office.
And several
member of Iraq Veterans Against the War including several active
duty soldiers from Fort
here for some photos of the conference
Cindy Sheehan also spoke at Union College
and Vic Sidel spoke at the Albany Medical school while they were in the area.
Cindy with some Iraq
Vets at the conference
March Against the War: Remembering the Fallen
On March
22, 2008 over 600 people participated in the 5th Anniversary
march and rally against the war in Iraqi (see As we rallied, the 4,000th
American Soldier died in this illegal and immoral war. At the rally, which took place in
downtown Albany in the Capital
West Park,
participants set up a display with the names of nearly 4,000 of the fallen US
soldiers and also the identities of 4,000 Iraqi civilians who have
For coverage of the rally by the Times Union, click here
For pictures of last years 4th anniversary
rally in Albany
of over 1,000 people, go to: Album 1
Them Home,” a song by Mo Hannah performed by Mo Hannah and Joe Lombardo with
Dave Pallas on Bass
For more
information: call, 518-439-1968 or e-mail