Spring Rising: An Antiwar Intervention in DC


Coming out of a meeting held in Washington, DC, on January 10, plans are coming together for an antiwar intervention in the U.S. capital.

A series of events will be held just as the ongoing U.S. war in Iraq -- recently restarted in a new form -- passes the 12-year mark since the March 2003 invasion.

Here's the schedule so far:

Wednesday, March 18: Peace gathering and fellowship.

Thursday, March 19th: Lobbying on Capitol Hill, followed by a tour of the war machine: homes and offices of war criminals.

Friday, March 20th: Afternoon and evening teach-in: Ending Current Wars, Ending the Institution of War.
This event will examine ISIS and U.S. warmaking in Western Asia and elsewhere; the damage militarism does to the natural environment, economies, and civil rights; and how the war system can be replaced with a peace system.

Saturday, March 21st: Protest at the White House, followed by march.

This nonviolent intervention was originally proposed by Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and the Soapbox People's Network. It has been endorsed and will be supported by Amnesty International Charlottesville, the ANSWER Coalition, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, the Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, CND CYMRU, CODEPINK, the Granny Peace Brigade of New York City, KnowDrones.com, Maryland United for Peace and Justice, Military Families Speak Out, the National Association Against Police Brutality, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, the Network to Stop Drone Surveillance and Warfare, the No Fear Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Voices for Creative Non-Violence, WarIsACrime.org, Washington Peace Center, Witness Against Torture, World Beyond War, and World Can't Wait.

To endorse, volunteer, get involved or learn more, go to: http://SpringRising.org

Contact Dede at dede4peace@gmail.com

Join and share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/430232700485435



February 28 - March 1 in New York, NY: Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction

March 2nd - major blockade of nuclear bomb factory of AWE Burghfield, England

March 4-6 - Shut Down Creech (also here)

March 18-21 in Washington DC: Spring Rising

March 26 to May 29: 65 days nonviolent blockade at nuclear air base Büchel, Germany.

March 28 - April 3 in Nevada: Nevada Desert Experience - Sacred Peace Walk

March 28 in Glasgow, Scotland: #TridentHastoGoNow demonstration

March 30 in Knoxville, Tennessee: Moving Towards a Nuclear Free Future 2015 walk to New York City for April 24 events

April 11 Michigan - David Swanson speaking

April 13 in Scotland: #BairnsNotBOMBS Big Blockade

April 13, Global Day of Action Against Military Spending

April 15, March for the Homeless

April 22, March from EPA to Pentagon

April 24 - April 26 in New York, NY: Peace and the Planet Conference and Rally * April 24/25 - An international peace, justice and environmental conference * April 26 - A major international rally, march to the United Nations and peace festival

April 25 Houston - David Swanson speaking

April 27-29 at the Hague: WILPF Turns 100

April 27 - May 22 at United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY: NPT Review Conference ("RevCon") * Call for NPT-related organizing * NPT brief overview * NPT Home page at UN

May 8 - 10 United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) national conference:

May 25 in Washington, D.C., a Veterans For Peace Memorial Day

August 6 - 9 in Santa Fe, NM: Campaign Nonviolence National Conference (Aug 6 - Mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima with the annual sackcloth and ashes peace vigil and call for nuclear disarmament near the National Labs. Aug 9 - Mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki with the annual sackcloth and ashes peace vigil and call for nuclear disarmament near the National Labs.)

August 6 in Hiroshima, Japan: "August 6, 2015 will be the 70th anniversary of the bombing [of Hiroshima]. Annually, there are events such as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, with guest speakers, and the Lantern Floating Ceremony, in which lanterns float on the river as petitions for peace. Additional special events for the 70th anniversary are to be announced."

August 9 in Nagasaki, Japan: [August 9, 2015 will be the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. Commemoration events are held annually and, as with Hiroshima, it is expected that additional special events for the 70th anniversary are to be announced.]

August 27 Chicago - David Swanson speaking

September 20 - 27: Everywhere: Campaign Nonviolence Week of Actions 2015

November - date TBD in Nagasaki, Japan: Annual Pugwash Conference

More nuclear disarmament events here. (Thanks to Joe Scarry!)

Sign the Declaration of Peace.