From Cleveland to Philadelphia….

As the War makers’ Parties convene

[A Statement to the Movement by the United National Antiwar Coalition]

  We live in perilous times.  We face endless current wars and escalation of the war in Syria, heightened threats of nuclear war by challenging Russia and China, an economic system that generates austerity and poverty, a domestic militarized police and mass incarceration that upholds systemic racism and Islamophobia, and catastrophic climate change.

 The options and candidates presented to us by the two major political parties do not offer solutions because they represent the very people who created the hardships and horrors the world faces today.

 Let’s look at the candidates for President and see what they have accomplished and what we might expect, regardless of who is elected:

 On the one hand, there’s Democrat Hillary Clinton, a cool, professional, experienced war maker politician par excellence, with U.S. imperialist wars to her credit around the world. These include, overt and covert wars, military coup wars, drone wars, privatized death squad wars, re-colonization wars and “humanitarian” wars that destroy entire nations. Clinton was also a silent and often not so silent partner to the decimation of the welfare safety net and the racist and anti-democratic legislation that has filled the prisons in record numbers with Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans, who are first to be murdered by racist police state measures, first to journey the school to prison route, first to be fired and last to be hired.

 On the other hand, there’s Republican Donald Trump, whose party joined the Democrats in all of the above.  Trump’s foreign policy experience, he asserts, comes from “watching various TV shows.” His untampered racist, misogynist and sneering outbursts are little more than the consciously disguised and polite refrains of most all the nation’s political elite. Trump’s crude and hate-filled representations mimic the official policies pursued by the racist and imperialist one percent, who in truth run the country to defend and advance billionaire corporate and financial institution interests.

 Whoever occupies the White House, the result is the same. Presidents don’t make foreign policy; neither do generals or beholden politicians. Endless U.S. wars for resources and imperial domination of markets and peoples have been the bi-partisan policies of Democrats and Republicans long before the current “choices” of the two-party duopoly of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

 History repeatedly teaches us that the power to change our lives for the better, to challenge racism, sexism, homophobia, endless wars, union busting, environmental destruction, encroachments on our civil and democratic rights and ever-deepening austerity, lies with those who rely on their own independent strength and organization – with those who seek unity in common massive struggles for all humanity.

 Join with the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) to fight the endless imperial wars abroad and the wars against working people at home.


United National Antiwar Coalition(UNAC)